hey tungtung,
10 years ago, your dad watched the british film 'billy elliot'. the boy wanted to dance but his dad did not accept it. he kept fighting for his dream and succeeded.
there are many people who insist on what they are doing, and may not succeed, but the way people work on their dream is nice and inspirational.
when your dad was young, i read a lot by Vaclav Havel, especially his contribution and involvement on Charter 77. i met him briefly in Lou Reed's concert in Prague. i wanted to get his autograph but failed.
we all want to live with dignity and freedom, and we need institutional environment to provide that. many people are contributing to that, and i hope, if you wish, you could be one of those, as a contributor, not just a taker. of course, that's your choice.
would you like ballet? from your way of jumping, seems that there is a tendency. you don't need to convince me to learn or practice ballet, unlike what billy did to his dad.
what you need is to convince and commit yourself.
today is the final day of negotiation in Cancun. your dad's organisation organised a stunt this morning 'lives on the line' in the beach. it aims to urge the negotiators to agree pro-poor decisions here cause the stake is high. sink or swim?
i know, i know, i always miss the chance to witness some critical moment of your growth. thanks tungmonm for recording it for me.
missing u two v........much!